Donald Trump is dangerous


Americans will go to the polls to elect their new president on November 8, 2016. For a long time, Hillary Clinton and Jeb Bush were seen as the leaders of the preelection race. However, famous names and family ties, give common Americans a reason to doubt the existence of so-called "American dream" that says that any citizen of the United States can become president.

Billionaire and businessman Donald Trump has joined the race. He's rich, famous, and his father has never served as US president. Americans want a new name in the White House.
Vladimir Vasiliev, chief researcher at the Institute of USA and Canada:

"Trump is dangerous because it acts as an independent candidate. Although he tends to be a Republican, but he is as an independent candidate. He can cause too much trouble to both Republicans and Democrats. He has chances to become the vice president, for example. Many American voters already consider Trump as an independent presidential candidate."


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