Adoption of resolution on Srebrenica would aggravate situation in Balkans — Churkin


UNITED NATIONS, July /TASS/. Adoption by the UN Security Council of the British draft of a resolution on the 20th anniversary of the tragic events in the Bosnian Muslim town of Srebrenica in its present form would have aggravated the situation in the Balkans, Russia’s Ambassador to UN Vitaly Churkin said on Wednesday.

"In view of absence of consensus on this subject inside Bosnia and Herzegovina — the country’s parliament and members of the presidium of Bosnia and Herzegovina failed to reach consensus on the matter, the resolution’s adoption by the UN Security Council in its present form would have been absolutely counter-productive and would have aggravated the situation in the region," the Russian diplomat stressed explaining Russia’s decision to veto the draft.

Russia vetoed the UN Security Council resolution on the tragic events in Srebrenica that took place during the 1992-1995 Bosnian civil war earlier on Wednesday. Ten countries voted for the British-proposed draft; another four, including China and Nigeria, abstained from voting.

UN Security Council President Gerard Jacobus van Bohemen (New Zealand) said the draft resolution had not been adopted because a permanent member of the UN Security Council voted against it.

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