Spanish Dairy Producers Concerned about Russia's Import Ban - Reports


MADRID, August 10 (RIA Novosti) - Russia's ban on food imports from the European Union and the United States has alarmed Spain's dairy industry, Spanish EFE news agency reported citing the owner of one of the country's largest dairy companies.

The owner of Industrias Lácteas Asturianas, Francisco Rodríguez, said the Russian embargo, together with the fall in the Chinese market confirmed "the worrying reality for the whole sector."

"Nothing is planned in Brussels to resolve this situation," Rodríguez said.

On Thursday, Russia introduced a one-year ban on agricultural and food product imports from the countries that have imposed sanctions on Moscow over the Ukrainian crisis, namely Australia, Canada, the European Union, the United States and Norway. The list includes meat, poultry, fish, seafood, milk, dairy products, and fruit and vegetables. The embargo may carry a 12 -billion euro ($16-billion) loss for the EU.

Moscow said it was ready to review the terms of its import restrictions if its Western partners showed a commitment to dialogue.

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