The Caucasus are associated with snowy peaks, turbulent mountain rivers, Narzan (local mineral water), glaciers and old double-peak Elbrus. It’s where you constantly hear rockfalling sounds, crackling glaciers and see the stars which seem to be so close that you can touch them with your hands.
The first rays of the sun touch the peaks of the mountains.
Now the peak Donguz-Orun-Bashi (4454m) is also gilded!
As well as Azau peak (3600 m).
The waterfall resemble girl’s long hair.
It’s an observatory on Terskol peak.
The main Caucasian ridge looks so powerful and impressive!
This glacier is called “Seven” because its shape resembles the shape of number 7.
Milky rivers flow near the mountains.
Donguz-Orun-Bashi is hinding in the clouds.
It’s the shy Ushba mountain.
Helicopter over mountains is usually a bad sign, but, luckily, this one is perfomring a training flight.
What can be better than a cup of coffee in the morning with such views around?
The mountain tries a sunny crown on.
The name “Elbrus” originates from the Iranian “High Mountain”, from Gerorgian it means the combination of words “storm” and “ice”.
It’s a camp near Peak Terskol Observatory.
Yes, it’s not like at the office building!
It’s where you realize how small you are!
via vasjaletsyn
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