Moscow zoo in early 20th century: Red Army in the Zoo, Zoo During Flood and more


Moscow Zoo turns 153 years this year. In 1864 Imperial Russian society of animal acclimatization founded zoo-garden in Moscow. They called it "live museum under the open skies". This puts Moscow zoo as the one of the most oldest in Europe. Let's see how it looked almost 100 years ago.


They decided to put the Zoo in a place that is equally accessible from all Moscow neighborhoods. When they started they had 134 different domestic animals, 153 wilds animals and birds and seven reptiles. Mostly the animals from Russian Empire but also some imported, like lions tigers jaguars rhino and crocs. This is a main entrance on the pic above.

Many animals were Royal presents from goverments of the countries of the world to the Tczar.

After the 1917 revolution it became nationalized by Soviet state and was renamed to a zoo-park.

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