Man from Russian 3D Printed a Terminator T-800 Clone: It Can Talk, Answer Questions, Move and… Drink [video]



Man from Russia 3D printed a Terminator clone. He made a full size T-800 replica skeleton with eyes and a head. He installed an artificial intellect system inside his robot. He uses voice syntheseiser to respond to the questions and listens to the person speaks to him. Now it can answer the questions, perform commands and do a lot of talking. Here we have a video too showing all the cool things the robot can do:

Across the network:


On this video you can see what the robot can do. The author called him John Henry so the robot responds to that name. He performs simple questions - "John Henry look around" - and the robot starts saying "looking down - looking up - looking left" etc and moving his head. Then author asks him different questions about life, weather forecasts and even the horoscopes and robot proceeds on responding.


The author then asks him - John Henry - where do you get your information from? And he responds: "From my personal database and from Internet".

He uses voice recognition to recognize different people who come in contact with the robot. According to the video above he is pretty sharp on answering the questions


The guy was printing the parts for the robot since 2013 when he bought his own 3D printer.

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