Lugansk 2016: Around the War Torn City


As we examined LPR capital in the past four parts, now we will go through the far outskirts of distant suburbs and immediate surroundings. There are also a quite traditional attractions like Slavyanoserbskaya manor in Aleksandrovskoe or memorial on the sharp tomb, there is an Aviation Museum under the open sky, that impresses not only with exhibits but with many signs of war on them, and there is finally a lot of traces of town abortive siege by Ukrainian army in the summer of 2014, whether it is a destroyed airport or abandoned positions near from the unattainable happiness. This post is quite grim - but it is the last about traces of the war in this series.

Across the network:


Let’s say thank you for this entire post to one man, whose name is not called, for obvious reasons, it is not necessary, so it is conventionally denoted "Michael". Businessman with his family in the evacuation, he offered us a ride in the surrounding area of Lugansk in his car, and most of the waypoints were his initiative. In the morning we went to the Eastern quarters but took the course to the south-east, to Krasnodon and Izvarino through which a couple of days later, we had to leave the Donbass. On the outskirts of the city at the end of the Defense street (see. Last part) T-34 proudly stands there from 1971, and they say that, on May 9, he starts, moves down from the pedestal and goes to the city parade. In fact, almost all tanks are in operational condition, and in "reenactment" period of the present war militias even several times started them - but such machines were good just for the psychological attack because of the absence of any parts or ammunition. Also note that people are waiting for a minibus in the morning not to the city, but from the city - perhaps in Russia they want to withdraw money from their card and buy or sell something.


Over the tank there begins the path through the woods to the Sharp Tomb - a high hill (198m), that are actually called graves, a typical "strategic height", that has not become LPR analogue of Saur-Tomb only because the war here was nearly reached. But in the Great Patriotic War the liberation of Voroshilovgrad began from a taken of sharp Tomb by the Red Army in February 1943, which was separated from the release of Stalino(Donetsk) by another six months. But the crucial role Sharp Tomb played in the year before the war - civil, when it became an outpost of the heaviest fighting of the proletarian Lugansk in the spring of 1919, which was the last stronghold in the Donbass of "Red", with the White Army of General Denikin. The height and the city Denikin took then, but to this day the tradition is alive as Lugansk hard workers lined up a human chain from the ammunition plant to these heights, and passed Red Army ammunition. Now here it is a small, but very nice memorial - in this photo there is an obelisk and sculpture "The standard does not die", both in 1965:


However, pyramid is much more interesting, as it is known as the "eagle with a standart" - it was built among the monuments of the "first wave" in 1945, some of which (in Kerch and Sevastopol) appeared before the fall of Berlin, and have got downright constructivist expression.


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