Chinese Tanks and Chinese Flying Leopards Arrived to Russia


As announced on July 23, 2016 by the Kaliningrad branch of the "Vesti-24" TV channel, a team of Marines from China arrived at the main base of the Baltic fleet of the Navy of Russia, Baltiysk (the Kaliningrad region) to participate in the international competitions in field training "Marines 2016." The Chinese team brought with them four modern Chinese marine corps combat vehicles ZBD05.

Across the network:


The combat vehicles were reported to have been delivered to Kaliningrad by ferry, then they were transported to Baltiysk by rail, and then they were delivered to the shooting range of the Baltic fleet marine corps in trailers. The Chinese team is the only team inf the "Marines-2016" competition to use their own combat vehicles, the rest of the competing teams will use Russian vehicles. In 2015, during similar competition, "The Caspian Derby", the Russian team was the first in the team event, while the Chinese team was the second.

The ZBD05 marine corps combat vehicle of the Chinese Marines team that arrived for participating in the international competitions in field training "Marines 2016." Baltiysk (the Kaliningrad region), 23.07.2016 (C) Daria Kalinicheva /

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