Afghan Landing Was a Trick Made by Soviet Pilots to Land 200 Ton Planes Very Quick to Avoid Being Hit by Missiles


Planes are very vulnerable during landing to be hit by a missile from the ground. Especially when they are landing in Afghanistan. Especially during the warmtimes. Especially if those planes are huge transport IL-76 planes. So Soviet pilots at times have developed a unique method to land their 150 ton heavy plane. They call it "An Afghan Landing". Huge IL-76 comes to the landing strip from an opposite side, then makes a very sharp turn and... lands! Just a crazy trick for such a huge plane. Take a look on an actual Afghan landing made in Kabul, Afghanistan airport in 1989. Also, inside one more video from outside:

Across the network:


There was an automated system installed on those planes called "RITA". It had to warn pilots when the maneuvers they were taking are dangerous. During this kind of landing this Rita thing was constantly off or it was untolerably screaming all the way down.

Another video, from 2014. Pilots in Orenburg decided to commemorate an anniversary of Soviet army withdrawal from Afghanistan by flying their IL-76 above the Orenburg city, showing an example of an "Afghan Landing". People were panicking and calling police en masse. You can here the "RITA" alarm squeaking inside the cabin.

Also, when one pilot was asked: "How could you come out with such a crazy idea?" he answered: "Want to live? Would land like this no problem".

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