Russian Photographer Goes inside Chernobyl Reactor in 1990


These days some editions try to commemorate Chernobyl incident or how they say in Russia "Chernobyl Catastrophe". The reason is because it happened exactly thirty years ago, in April 1986. So we decided to post something too. We posted the best spooky shots we could get our hands on. The story is as follows. Just four years after the incident, in year 1990, Russian photographer goes straight inside the destroyed reactor building, the most dangerous place in Chernobyl and took those photos. Scary.

Across the network:


Right here it all happened. Inside the Reactor No. 4. What a brave photographer, huh?

What shocks us most, it was a woman. Yes, woman-photographer risked her life to bring those photos to you 26 years later.

This is what she saw there.

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