US fighter jets land in Turkey to protect Turkish airspace

US fighter jets land in Turkey to protect Turkish airspace. US fighter jets arrive in Turkey

AP photo

The United States decided to send fighters to Turkey to protect Turkish airspace.

According to the Pentagon, the US received such a request from Ankara after several fighter jets of the Russian Air Force entered Turkish airspace.

According to RBC, the first six of 12 F-15C Eagle fighters arrived at the air base in Turkey to protect Turkish airspace.

The request came "on the heels of the incursions we saw by the Russians ... and it's a request we've honored," Pentagon Press Secretary Peter Cook said.

Also read: Russian pilots tease Turkey. Who starts WWIII?

Turkey has accused Russia of violating its airspace twice. According to the Turkish Foreign Ministry, such incidents occurred on October 3 and October 4. The Russian ambassador in Ankara received a note of protest. The Russian side apologized to the Turkish authorities, explaining the incident with difficult weather conditions. However, Ankara continues to make statements against Russia.

Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan stated that he could stop the purchase of natural gas from Russia. In addition, Ergodan announced plans to break the contract with Russia for the construction of a nuclear power plant in Turkey. "If the Russians do not build the nuclear power plant, someone else will come and build it," said the Turkish president.

Noteworthy, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad accused Turkish authorities of patronizing terrorist groups al-Nusra Jabhat and the Islamic State (both organizations are banned in Russia). According to Assad, the USA and NATO provide full support for Turkey in assisting the terrorists.


Read article on the Russian version of Pravda.Ru

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