Million Student March: 100+ US campuses rally against tuition fees & student debt


Students from more than 100 American universities are set to unite in a Million Student March to protest over tuition fees, student debt and higher wages for campus workers.

“We are people of all colors, genders, and sexual orientation, and we are united to fight for education as a human right,” the movement’s statement reads.

Organized primarily through Facebook by students, numerous marches are expected to hit US states from Seattle and Florida to California and Vermont, with a total of 106 universities and colleges planning to participate. It's unclear how many students are going to take part.

“Together, we can build an independent movement capable of winning tuition-free public college, a cancellation of all student debt, and a $15/hr minimum wage for all campus workers!” the Million Student March website says.

The student behind the Million Student March is Keely Mullen, who herself expects to graduate from Northeastern University in Boston $150,000 in arrears.

The average college graduate from the Class of 2015 has over $35,000 in debt, according to an analysis of government statistics published in May.

“This is clearly an urgent crisis, but establishment politicians from both parties are failing to take action,” organizers said.

One of the movement’s supporters is presidential hopeful Senator Bernie Sanders (I-Vermont), who has repeatedly been lobbying for reduced college fees. In May, Sanders introduced a proposal to the Senate calling on public colleges in the US to begin offering free tuition.

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