Grand Theft Potato: Siberian man smashes windshield to stop crop robbers (VIDEO)


It took a brazen attempt by two teenagers to steal two sacks of potatoes in broad daylight for a 43-year Siberian man to discover his latent martial arts talent, gaining him social media popularity and the title of ‘Siberian Chuck Norris’.

The theft, registered on CCTV cameras, involved one brave protagonist, Igor Kudimov, who was outraged by the blatant attempt of two youngsters to steal a load of potatoes from his trailer.

The potato harvest was left unattended when the crop master was eating his launch, under the watchful eye of his wife, who noticed how two teens tried to steal their precious cargo and load it into their car.

Interrupting their meal, 43-year-old Kudimov and his wife rushed out of their apartment building in Irkutsk to confront the thieves, who by that time were peeling off from the scene of the incident.

Feeling compelled to administer justice, Kudimov found himself in midair and on the hood of the vehicle, exerting brutal force on the windshield. One swift kick and the windshield was down. So was the protagonist, who was driven away by the perpetrators, but managed to jump off the car suffering only minor scruffs.

The two teens aged 17 and 18 were arrested. But the courageous act of confronting potato thieves with a lightning pounce on the car and brutal handling of the windshield has earned Kadimov the name of Siberian Chuck Norris, who’s Hollywood career is associated with his iconic flying kick through the windshield.

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