White House excuses: Obama calla Republicans 'crazies'

White House excuses: Obama calla Republicans 'crazies'. Obama

President Obama

The White House spokesman Eric Schultz apologized for the American leader Barack Obama's calling the Republican Congressmen as "crazy".

As he said, the President "may have been a little glib in his language," but didn't regret it.

Taking the floor during a fundraiser in Las Vegas on 24 August, the President claimed that he had to talk with Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid. "We were doing a little reminiscing, and then figuring out how we're going to deal with the crazies in terms of managing some problems," Obama said. 

It should be noted, that the US Senators are not contended with the deal with Iran. As they claim, the government could reach more serious concessions at the talks on nuclear program. Senators also believe that the White House can impose more strict sanctions against Iran.

Also read: US Congress intends to scuttle deal with Iran


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