US warns: Europe, Asia, Middle East face terror threats


The US State Department issued a caution, according to which such extremist groups as al Qaeda and the Islamic State plan new terror acts against the American citizens abroad.

It is also mentioned in the document that in August 2014 the US and its allies started a military operation against the IS fighters in Iraq and Syria.

"In response to the airstrikes, ISIL called on supporters to attack foreigners wherever they are. Authorities believe there is an increased likelihood of reprisal attacks against the US, Western and coalition partner interests throughout the world, especially in the Middle East, North Africa, Europe, and Asia," the State Department said.

Extremists may use common weapons, as well as weapons of mass destruction, according to Washington.

The US authorities also possess inside knowledge of the terror acts being prepared by the Islamic groups in the Middle East, in the north and west of Africa, in South and Central Asia, and some countries of the south-eastern Asia.

The previous warning of the global terror threat was produced by the US Department at the beginning of the year.

Also read: CIA Director John Brennan: USA creates terrorism


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