Right Sector stops protest by presidential administration in Kiev


KIEV, July 19. /TASS/. Extremists of the Right Sector organisation, which is banned in Russia, have stopped their protest by the building of the Ukrainian presidential administration, TASS reports from the scene.

"Right Sector has gone from the administration building, but this does not mean Right Sector stops rallies," the radical organisation’s press service said.

On Tuesday, July 21, the extremists will organise a so-called "veche" (public assembly) in the Independence Square (Maidan) in Kiev. The organisation’s leader Dmitry Yarosh will be a key participant there.

From July 12, Right Sector continued protests by the building of the presidential administration in Kiev, with protesters demanding sacking of Interior Minister Arsen Avakov and "a fair investigation into the events in Mukachevo". In developments of Saturday, July 11, in the city of Mukachevo in Ukraine’s south-western Transcarpathian Region, some 20 militants of Right Sector opened fire from small arms during a conflict with their opponents with whom they discussed "distribution of influence areas." Three people were killed and eleven got injuries.

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