Putin says no anti-Americanism in Russia, calls for Europe’s independence


MOSCOW, July 28. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Monday he hoped a new war on the territory of Europe was impossible.

As he spoke in an interview with the Swiss TV channel RTS, he expressed the hope the European countries would conduct a more independent policy.

"We’d like to see Europe display more independence and sovereignty and have the stamina to defend its national interests - the interests of its peoples and countries," Putin said in an interview that was published on the Kremlin’s website on Monday night.

"Membership of any military and/or political organization or bloc is compounded with a voluntary renunciation of a certain share of sovereignty," he said. "I think France quitted the NATO military organization at a certain point in the past out of the considerations of maintaining a greater portion of its sovereignty than the format of a military bloc would allow it to maintain."

"We’re not about analyzing the European countries’ foreign policy but I hope you’ll agree it’s an intriguing situation where we have to discuss internal European problems with our European partners in Washington," Putin said.

He explained for the moods of forces standing on the right of Europe’s political spectrum. "I don’t think it’s actually support for me on their part but rather the cognition of own national interests from the angle those political forces understand them," Putin said.

"Tectonic shifts aimed at defence of national interests are taking place in public consciousness of European countries and in the world at large," Putin went on. As an instance of this process, he cited the problem of the inflow of immigrants.

"And was it Europe that took the decisions, which brought about this situation eventually?" he asked. "Let’s state it frankly and openly those decisions were taken in America and Europe has to face the music."

He also said the US had been conducting imperialistic policy for a very long time and he referred to opinions of political analysts inside in the US who thought imperial inclinations were inflicting damage on the US as such,

"This position is not linked to anti-Americanism in any way, since we treat the U.S. and very definitely the American people with much respect," Putin said.

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