Phil Butler: It is not Obama who isolates Putin, but vice versa


The US is completely isolated from the majority of the world. The world is fed up with the American hegemony and oppressions, and the East faces rising of a new star, an analyst Phil Butler believes.

Butler claims, that Putin secured a substantial victory. 'Aligned with two thirds of the world's people now, Russians are at the center of the world stage, not New Yorkers or California's in crowd. The heads of 15 countries from three continents met in Ulfa to announce their individual and collective coming out, out from underneath the shadow of the United States.'

The journalist points out, that 'Putin's meetings in front of and behind closed doors culminated in concrete agreements to not only situate these associations onto the international stage, but to establish a framework for cooperation in foreign policy, establish expanded mutual trade, and for a vast array of investment and technology exchange potential. Without declaring it so, Russia and these other countries effectively excluded the United States and her allies from a immeasurable potential.'

The SCO along with the Eurasian Economic Union are also intent on dollar dethroning, what is 'a clear enough sign my countrymen are in big trouble.'

'Sooner or later Americans (and Germans) are going to have to face facts. Most western democracies have been "feeding" off other countries at the core level of society. Subsidized gas prices, rampant and unsustainable consumerism driven by greedy corporations, and a collective dumbing down of the citizenry will soon have catastrophic consequences.'

'After more than 18 months of open economic and political warfare against Vladimir Putin and Russia, the winner is emerging.'

Butler notes, that despite a possible detente Obama administration managed to cause irreparable harm to the Americans: 'the low road, the easy and greedy way, will cost every generation of Americans dearly in the years to come.'

Also read: Putin's rating hits record high, Obama's drops to record low


Read article in Russian on the Russian version of Pravda.Ru

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