Russian lawmaker accuses US of creating zones of chaos


MOSCOW, April 9. /TASS/. The United States’ foreign policy creates zones of chaos and harms various states, Russian State Duma Speaker Sergey Naryshkin said at a meeting with Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras in Moscow on Thursday.

"I have never made a secret of my conviction that the foreign policy of the United States causes great harm to various countries around the world by creating zones of chaos. Take northern Africa, the Middle and Near East and the European continent, for instance fraternal Ukraine," said Naryshkin.

The traditional partnership between Russia and Greece, which has a "vast potential" has become "to our regret a hostage of worsening relations between Russia and the European Union," Naryshkin said. "The reason is obvious: the wish of the United States and its obedient satellites in NATO to draw new division lines in the European continent in defiance of the Europeans’ desire to live in peace and accord and to create a common economic, humanitarian space and a common space of security," Naryshkin said.

Naryshkin remarked that the "so-called [anti-Russian] sanctions were taken by the EU largely under pressures from Washington." He tanked Greece for its high-principled stance regarding the policy of sanctions.

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