Lebanese expert hails Russia’s role in reaching Iran nuclear deal


BEIRUT, July 14. /TASS/. Iran and six major world powers have managed to reach a comprehensive deal on Tehran’s nuclear program largely due to "a firm stance taken by Russia", a Lebanese expert told TASS on Tuesday.

Imad Rizk, director of the Advisory Center for Strategic Studies in Beirut, recalled that "marathon negotiations lasted for 20 months, and diplomacy was not the only solution to the problem".

"Failure in the talks could lead to a military scenario. All the negotiators and the global community were well aware of that," the expert said.

From the very beginning, Russia "has consistently defended the search for a political solution and has been under severe pressure from the United States and its allies," he said. "The fact that the Russian approach has prevailed in this difficult international issue and that it has become possible to lift the threat of a military outcome is definitely a success not only for Russia but also for countries comprising the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) and upholding the path of independent development," Rizk said.

"Reaching agreements on Iran’s nuclear program is certainly an important step towards a more balanced and secure world," the expert said.

The lifting of sanctions imposed by the United States, European Union and United Nations on Iran’s energy and financial sectors "opens up advantageous economic prospects and will become a stabilizing factor, taking into account the Islamic Republic of Iran's influence in the Middle East", he noted.

Rizk said he believed that the experience of negotiations between Iran and the six powers — Britain, China, France, Germany, Russia and the United States — as well as "the historic compromise" reached "give hope for gradual settlement of both old and new conflicts in the region through concerted efforts of the sides concerned".

"The deal with Iran will have a positive effect on the search for ways out of crisis situations in Syria and Iraq and the fight against the Islamic State group and terrorism. It will help to ease sectarian tensions, will lead to de-escalation in relations between Tehran and Saudi Arabia and will probably affect the Palestinian-Israeli dossier," the expert added.

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