Foreign experts may join board of directors of Russia’s national rating agency


MOSCOW, July 27. /TASS/. Foreign experts may join the board of directors of Russia’s new national rating agency, first vice president of Gazprombank and head of the project on creation of the agency Ekaterina Trofimova said in an interview aired by RBC TV business news channel on Monday.

"We’ll be trying to attract the best experts that exist on the market," she said when answering the question whether any international experts will be involved in creation of the national rating agency. "There is some certain understanding regarding several colleagues. There are even some certain candidates to the board of directors," she said.

Earlier Trofimova said the new rating agency, which is being created now, may pay off within 3-5 years. She added that "a classical model" of the rating agency will be applied, meaning revenues generation will be at the expense of fees collected from the agency’s clients.

The national rating agency may start operations already in the fourth quarter of 2015. Its capital is planned at 3 bln rubles ($51.5 mln) with equal distribution of shares between investors amounting to up to 5%. Preliminary subscription to shares will be held by the end of August 2015. Banks, insurance and asset management companies as well as issuers, may become investors.

The necessary pool of investors has almost been formed as VTB, Gazprombank, Rosgosstrakh, Alfa-Bank, B&N Bank have confirmed their participation in the project.

Currently, a number of local rating agencies are operating in Russia - RusRating, Expert-RA Rating Agency, the National Rating Agency, AC&M and some others.

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