Will Greece exit the Eurozone?


Greek President Prokopis Pavlopoulos announced a national referendum about creditors' proposals. On July 5, the Greeks will go to the polls to say what they think about the draft agreement that the European Commission presented last week.

 Theodora Giannitsi, Director of the Greek Cultural Center.

"This is a natural result of the impasse process of negotiations - the period that lasts for five years. This is maybe the time, when it is people that stand responsible for their actions, for their leaders' actions, as well as for the future of the so-called Europe.

Obviously, the Greek government understands that this is not the only way, that there are other countries and other markets - the Russian, Asian and Latin American markets that Greece can cooperate with. Russia was in the same situation a year ago, when it introduced retaliatory sanctions against the EU. Many fear that this is the end. Yet, it could be a new beginning."


Also read: Major turning point in Greece for better or worse

Greece: To be or not to be in the Eurozone

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