Evidence of Japan creating A-bomb revealed


Documents verifying Japan developing its own atomic bomb during WWII have been found in Kyoto University. 80-year-old Professor Akira Masaike has found the notebooks relating to the autumn of 1944.

The documents show equipment and numbers needed for atomic bomb creation.

"The significance of the recent discovery lies in the fact that the documents confirm the existence of research into the development of centrifuge separators at Kyoto Imperial University," he said.

"The new data could show us the level of research they were involved in," said Hitoshi Yoshioka, a professor who studies the history of scientific technology at Kyushu University.

Japan had two research programs directed at atomic bomb creation during WWII. One of them was lead by Bunsaku Arakatsu, a professor of physics at Kyoto Imperial University.

Only few documents on Japanese projects of nuclear weaponry have been known so far. The US authorities confiscated most of the research data after the war. The new findings reveal equipment, tables, substance and other features.

Also read: Fukushima and Hiroshima are on Japan's mind


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