Water, electricity supplies restored in Sochi


SOCHI, June 27. /TASS/. Electricity and water supplies have been repaired in the Russian resort city Sochi, which suffered a flood on Thursday, the city’s administration told TASS on Saturday.

Precipitation that fell out in Sochi on Thursday was worth sixty days of rain, quickly covering city streets with almost 50 centimetres of water in some areas. Between 11 pm on Wednesday and 6 pm on Thursday, the level of 212 millimetres of rain was registered, while an average norm is 104 millimetres.

Kilometres-long traffic jams accumulated on the roads. Also, water flooded railway crossings and the airfield of Sochi international airport, as a result of which the airlines had to divert a number of inbound flights to other airports in the south of Russia.

Thousands of passengers had to spend hours waiting for the departure of their flights.

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