Syria’s current leadership can contribute to fight against IS — Kremlin aide


MOSCOW, June 29. /TASS/. Syria’s leadership can make a real contribution to the struggle against the Islamic State extremist group and Russia considers it is important in this regard to encourage settlement in Syria, Kremlin aide Yuri Ushakov told TASS on Monday.

Russia believes that any opening opportunities should be used for establishing a dialogue between Damascus and all the interested parties, including Saudi Arabia, Ushakov said adding that the Kremlin hopes such an approach will be backed.

Moscow is "seriously concerned about the growing threat to stability in the Middle East" amid the activity of the Islamic State group that "controls a significant part of Syria and Iraq, including important facilities of the economic infrastructure of these countries," Ushakov said.

"The Islamic State has a military and political initiative and has stepped up activity in the northern provinces of Afghanistan, on the territory of Libya, Central Asia countries and even North Caucasus," he stressed.

The efforts of the US-led international coalition against the radical Islamists and extremists clearly show that "airstrikes alone do not lead to a decisive success in the fight against gunmen," he said.

The Kremlin aide has not ruled out that contacts of the representatives of the Syrian leadership with the countries involved in the conflict, including Saudi Arabia, can take place in the near future.

"Taking into consideration the extremely dangerous situation, one should forget the offense, alleviate the existing contradictions and unite efforts for the fight against the IS," Ushakov said.

After major terrorist forces are eliminated and the government control over the liberated Syrian territories is restored, "Russia and other interested parties could encourage carrying out free parliamentary elections in Syria under control of international observers and forming a government of national confidence," he said.

"This would allow returning the dynamics of development of the inter-Syrian conflict towards the path of peaceful settlement," Ushakov said. "We presume that the current leadership of Syria is one of the real and efficient forces in the fight against the IS," he added.

"We expect that this approach will find understanding among our international partners," he said.

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