Poroshenko’s statement about fulfilled Minsk agreements - another lie — DPR head


MOSCOW, June 27. /TASS/. The statement of Ukraine’s President Pyotr Poroshenko that Kiev has fulfilled the Minsk agreements is a lie, head of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic [DPR[ Alexander Zakharchenko said on Saturday.

On Friday, Ukrainian President Pyotr Poroshenko said representatives of Donbass took part in development of amendments to Ukraine’s constitution.

"It is very important that Donbass representatives took part in the development of these constitutional amendments. It is very much important politically," he said.

"Kiev has not fulfilled any of the obligations it undertook in Minsk - either referring to ceasefire or to self-government in Donbass, and Poroshenko’s statement is another lie," the Donetsk News Agency quoted head of the Donetsk republic. "As for fixing in the constitution of the law on a special status, it should be only the first step towards settlement of the conflict, but not the final stage."

"Poroshenko’s statement that he thus fulfilled the obligations undertaken in Minsk is another bad attempt to veil the breach of those agreements," the republic’s leader said. "Those so to say amendments and legal initiatives have not passed our agreements."

On Friday, Ukraine’s constitutional commission adopted the basic changes to the country’s constitution, which referred to decentralisation. Constitutional reform is an important part of the February 12 comprehensive action plan to fulfil the Minsk accords worked out by leaders of Russia, Ukraine, Germany and France in the search for peace in the embattled eastern Donbass region.

A key element of reform is decentralisation of government with respect to the peculiarities of certain areas of Donetsk and Lugansk regions agreed with their representatives, as well as adopting permanent legislation on the special status of certain Donbass areas.

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