Poroshenko: constitution changes unrelated to Ukraine’s federalisation


KIEV, June 28. /TASS/. The decentralisation changes to the Constitution have nothing to do with the country’s federalisation, Ukraine’s President Pyotr Poroshenko said greeting graduates of the National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy on Sunday.

"Decentralisation does not mean weaker power in the issues like the defence, foreign policy, national security, rule of law, civil rights and freedoms. This change to the Constitution has nothing to do with federalisation," he said calling wise the decision of the Constitutional Committee jointly with the Venice Commission about authorities of the central power to stop separatism in the regions, at the same time not interfering with economic issues.

On Friday, Ukraine’s constitutional commission adopted the basic changes to the country’s constitution, which referred to decentralisation. Constitutional reform is an important part of the February 12 comprehensive action plan to fulfil the Minsk accords worked out by leaders of Russia, Ukraine, Germany and France in the search for peace in the embattled eastern Donbass region.

A key element of reform is decentralisation of government with respect to the peculiarities of certain areas of Donetsk and Lugansk regions agreed with their representatives, as well as adopting permanent legislation on the special status of certain Donbass areas.

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