Pentagon showcases new killer robots that destroy large groups of people in minutes


The US Defense Department has recently held a small exhibition to show off latest killer robots that had been built for Congress and media outlets. 

The exhibition was not open to everyone. The event that lasted for only a few hours showcased how far the US has advanced in its ability to kill large groups of people in just a few minutes with the help of robots.

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The Pentagon promised members of Congress that there will be many more killer robots,and other terrifying technologies, designed to win the wars of the future.

"The event showcased innovations from more than 60 Army, Marines, Navy, Air Force, and medical laboratories and engineering centers across the country. More than 100 exhibits were featured, including the Army's High-Energy Laser mobile display, Air Force's BATMAN high tech head-mounted display - helmet research that protects from and helps heal traumatic brain injuries - the Navy's MAGIC CARPET enhanced flight controls and Marines' semi-autonomous FERRET robotic system. Exhibits were opened to Members of Congress, STEM-participating high schools, Pentagon employees, media and special guests," a description of the event said. 




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