Local authorities in Donbass should be controlled by DPR government — DPR representative


MOSCOW, June 28. /TASS/. Local authorities in Donbass are to be appointed and controlled by the government of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic [DPR] but not by Kiev, DPR representative at the Contact Group on Ukraine Denis Pushilin said on Sunday.

"Minsk-2 provides for a constitutional reform agreed with us [the self-proclaimed republics in Donetsk and Luhansk - TASS]. And our proposals include the right to appoint and control the activities of local authorities, courts, prosecution agencies and people’s militia by the government of the Donetsk People’s Republic, but not by Kiev," the Donetsk News Agency quoted him as saying.

Pushilin said that Ukraine’s constitutional commission was still working without Donbass representatives. That is why the DPR "knows nothing about real amendments to the constitution initiated by [Ukrainian President] Pyotr Poroshenko."

On Friday, the constitutional commission approved a framework text of decentralization-related amendments to the constitution. Poroshenko said that "Donbass representatives have taken part in drafting these constitutional changes." Following his statements, the authorities in the Donetsk and Luhansk republics said that the DPR and LPR had delegated nobody to take part in the work of the constitutional commission.

A constitutional reform is an important part of the February 12 comprehensive action plan to fulfil the Minsk accords worked out by leaders of Russia, Ukraine, Germany and France in the search for peace in the embattled eastern Donbass region.

A key element of reform is decentralisation of government with respect to the peculiarities of certain parts of Donetsk and Luhansk regions agreed with their representatives, as well as adopting permanent legislation on the special status of certain Donbass areas.

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