IS kills teens for eating in daylight during Ramadan


The IS fighters executed two teenagers on Monday, accusing them of eating in daylight hours during the Muslim month of fasting called Ramadan.

As the jihadist police, Observatory chief Rami Abdel Rahman claimed, "residents of the village of Mayadeen in Deir Ezzor province reported that IS hanged from a crossbar two boys aged under 18 near the HQ of the Hissba".

"The children have been suspended by ropes from a pole since noon, and they were still there in the late evening," he said.

"Apparently, they were caught eating."

A placard attached to the bodies said "They broke the fast with no religious justification".

Strong believers abstain from eating, drinking, and having sex from dawn to dusk during Ramadan.

The IS that controls part of the Syrian and Iraqi territory, has created a self-proclaimed caliphate and stands for the extreme measures of the Islamic Sharia law.

Also read: Pentagon under threat of Cyber Caliphate


Read article in Russian on the Russian version of Pravda.Ru



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