About 250 German tourists flee Tunisia - tourist company


BERLIN, June 28. /TASS/. After the terror attack at Tunisia’s Sousse resort, about 250 German tourists preferred to return home well before their holidays are over, the TUI company said on Sunday.

By this afternoon, about 200 Germans will take flights and the remaining 50 will leave within several days. The tourist operator would not need additional planes, as all the tourists will be put on the chartered flights.

At the same time, most German tourists prefer to stay in Tunisia - the company’s 3,500 clients are remaining at their hotel to the end of their terms.

On Friday, a terrorist opened fire on holidaymakers at the beaches next to the Marhaba Imperial and Soviva Resort hotels. Tunisia’s authorities have not presented detailed information about the victims’ citizenship who are said to have come mainly from the United Kingdom and Belgium, France and Germany. Identification procedures have not been completed so far.

Among the 39 wounded travellers, there are Ukrainian and Norwegian nationals. A missing Russian woman may be one of the victims, while her daughter has been slightly wounded.

Islamic State said it was behind the terrorist attack.

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