Ukraine Militia warn Right Sector nationalists’ exercise in Donbas may escalate conflict


MOSCOW, May 11. /TASS/. An exercise launched by fighters of the Russia-banned nationalist Right Sector organization in Ukraine’s eastern Donetsk region, is at variance with the Minsk agreements and may escalate the conflict in the troubled Donbas, the official envoy of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic to the Contact Group, Denis Pushilin, said on Monday.

"A punitive battalion of radically minded people launches an official exercise. This not only violates the Minsk-2 agreements, but actually worsens the situation," the Donetsk News Agency quotes Pushilin as saying.

Right Sector activists took part in the rallies in Kiev in February 2014. Right Sector activists were also among those involved in the May 2 Odessa tragedy.

At the moment, some of Right Sector activists take part in the military operation in Donbas. In November 2014, the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation declared Right Sector an extremist organization.

Regular talks of the participants of the Trilateral Contact Group were held in Minsk on February 10-12, 2015. Normandy Four (France, Germany, Russia, Ukraine) leaders also discussed the Ukrainian issue in Minsk then.

A 13-point Package of Measures on implementation of the September 2014 Minsk agreements was adopted at those talks.

The package in particular included an agreement on cessation of fire from February 15, withdrawal of heavy armaments, as well as measures on long-term political settlement of the situation in Ukraine, including establishment of working subgroups as priority tasks.

The subgroups focus on four areas: economic issues and restoration of facilities; refugees, internally displaced persons and humanitarian assistance; political issues; security issues.

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