Ukraine cuts off food supply to self-proclaimed Luhansk republic


MOSCOW, May 12. /TASS/. Ukrainian administration of Ukraine's Luhansk Region has cut off food supply to the self-proclaimed Luhansk People’s Republic, the press service of Luhansk region’s civil-military administration said on Tuesday.

Eleven trucks with food for Luhansk republic residents were stopped and held at the disengagement line in Donbas, the press service said. "During his trip, administration head Gennady Moskal found 11 trucks on different streets. Trucks, some of them with ‘Empty’ signs, are registered in the Kharkiv, Dnipropetrovsk, Luhansk, Poltava and other regions. They were stuffed with butter, tomatoes, cookies, cat and dog food and so on. They waited for an opportunity to go through. Several drivers managed to escape when the [administration] head appeared, but some of them were detained by Moskal," the press service added.

Luhansk republic people’s council chairman Alexey Karyakin earlier said that Gennady Moskal’s statement on toughening transport blockade of Donbas proves that Ukraine considers Donbas residents "second-class people." "And Moskal is now the Gauleiter of, how they call it, ‘Luhansk region’," Karyakin said.

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