South Ossetia celebrates Day of adoption of Independence Act


TSKHINVALI, May 29. /TASS/. South Ossetia is celebrating for the 23rd time on Friday the Day of adoption of Independence Act - one of the milestones in the republic’s contemporary history.

"In the difficult conditions of political uncertainty, large-scale aggression and terror on the part of Georgia, the people of South Ossetia declared its inalienable right to create an independent state," the republic’s President Leonid Tibilov said. "Today we state with certainty that it was one of the most important steps on the way of legalizing and establishing the statehood of South Ossetia."

The holiday will be marked with a concert in Tskhinvali and a round table "On developing South Ossetia’s statehood: political, legal and economic aspects," a source in the presidential administration told TASS.

Representatives of South Ossetia and TASS will sign a Memorandum on Mutual understanding on this day.

On May 29, 1992, the Supreme Council of South Ossetia, in reliance on the results of the referendum held on January 19, 1992, adopted an Act declaring South Ossetia’s independence.

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