Putin highlights input of Orthodox Church in Russia’s inter-confessional peace


MOSCOW, May 24. /TASS/. Russia’s President Vladimir Putin greeted Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Kirill on his Name Day and the Day of Slavic Writing and Culture. At a meeting with head of the Russian Orthodox Church, the president noted the great contribution of the Russian Orthodox Church in the unity of society.

"I would like to congratulate you and to thank for everything you are doing for this country, for the Orthodox people and not only for them - for all citizens of the country: both believers and non-believers, people of other faiths, because the Russian Orthodox Church as one of the leading spiritual components of our society is making a very significant contribution to the coexistence of religions, representatives of various faiths," he said in the greeting. "I know that you have been leading the process."

"People need kind words, directions, it is important for them to have comments from leading representatives of religions," the president said.

The patriarch thanked the president for his "direct involvement in development of the church-government relations, at all levels, along with the correct development of the church-society relations."

"The consolidation of our society around fundamental ethics, necessary for people, results from our joint efforts," Kirill said. "For as long as this base is firm, firm will be our people, our families, our society and the country.".

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