Kremlin confirms Putin is to meet Kerry Tuesday


MOSCOW, May 12. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin on tuesday will receive US Secretary of State John Kerry in southern Russia's resort city of Sochi, Putin's spokesman Dmitry Peskov has said.

According to the spokesman, the agenda of the talks is wide and includes mostly issues of bilateral relations. Sanctions are not on the agenda but the topic may be raised by the US side.

Russia's Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov will be present at the talks.

Russian presidential press secretary Dmitry Peskov said he considers John Kerry’s decision to hold talks with Sergey Lavrov a positive step.

"It's very positive that the US secretary of state has made the decision to have contacts with his colleague," Peskov said. "We know that a huge number of ministerial meetings are held in various international formats. Now he’s made the decision to fly to Moscow, a fact which is positive in itself, because we have already repeatedly stated at various levels and our president has said that Russia has never initiated the relations’ freeze and we are always open for displays of the political will for a broader dialogue. Because dialogue helps us find ways to achieve certain normalization, closer coordination of decisions," he said.

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