No refusals from international contractors on Gazprom’s foreign projects — company


MOSCOW, April 1. /TASS/. None of the main international oilfield services companies partnering with Gazprom in its foreign projects, expressed wish to stop cooperation with the Russian gas giant or somehow change the contract conditions, Gazprom’s corporate edition reported Wednesday.

"There isn’t any substantial change in relationship with foreign partners as of today - the joint work continues and the projects are being successfully developed," the report said.

However, there is some certain dependence on foreign equipment and technology supplies by western states for construction of drilling rigs on Russia’s shelf due to lack of domestic equivalents, Gazprom said. Thus, indirectly the anti-Russia sanctions may negatively influence Gazprom’s operations in the field of mineral resources base development, the report said, adding though that it might be stated with certainty that the planned volumes of geological exploration will not be changed, with probable upwards corrections to the timelines of their fulfillment.

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