Sending UN peacekeepers to Ukraine ‘pointless’ – Russian Foreign Ministry

UN peacekeepers (Reuters / James Akena)

We are acting on the basis of Minsk accords that name the OSCE as the main monitor of the ceasefire observation. We see no use in sending any new units [to the southeastern parts of Ukraine],” Gennady Gatilov was quoted as saying by Interfax. He added that the OSCE had just decided to increase its monitoring mission to 1,000 observers.

Gatilov also said that in the UN the deployment of peacekeeping force is decided by the Security Council and not its Secretariat.

The Secretariat of the United Nations can only develop technical parameters of such peacekeeping mission after a principle decision is made by the Security Council,” he said.

In addition, Gatilov noted that the issue of peacekeepers deployment was very complicated as it required agreement on the mandate, the numbers and the national composition of contingents and, most importantly, their tasks and licensed activities.

The comments came shortly after international mass media quoted Ukrainian Foreign Ministry spokesman Yevhen Perebiynisas as saying that his nation had sent a preliminary request to the UN seeking a peacekeeping mission to the war-torn regions in Donbass. Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko on Monday submitted to parliament the draft address to the UN Security Council seeking the deployment of an international mission for sustaining peace and security on the Ukrainian territory.

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The document has already been approved by the Ukrainian Security Council. When this happened in late February this year, Gatilov promised that Russia would veto the move in the UN as it considered the Minsk accords a sufficient basis through which an effective resolution of the conflict could be secured.

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