​‘Close Electoral Commission’ says UKIP’s Farage, spoof FUKP wins right to stand

The leader of the United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP) Nigel Farage (Reuters/Andrew Yates)

Upon hearing the Commission had given comedian Al Murray’s spoof ‘Freedom United Kingdom Party’ (FUKP) permission to stand, Nigel Farage said all the regulator’s employees should lose their jobs.

FUKP describe themselves as the “common sense” party, playing on UKIP and Nigel Farage’s ‘everyman’ persona, and advocates humorous policies, such as bricking up the channel tunnel to stop an influx of immigrants.

Speaking at the UKIP South West Conference, Farage called the decision a “disgrace.

If you add to that the scandal of postal voting fraud, I want everyone in the Electoral Commission fired and the organization closed down.”

The decision means Farage will have to compete against the comedian for the South Thanet seat.

Local supporters of UKIP have reportedly protested against the joke party, saying that voters may muddle up the two similar acronyms at polling stations.

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The Electoral Commission made the decision on March 4. A spokesperson said: “I can confirm that Al Murray’s party has had the name Free United Kingdom Party approved by the Electoral Commission. We have informed the party of our decision.”

The decision may help silence Murray’s critics, who say his sudden political interest is merely a publicity stunt.

It was recently revealed Murray has booked a comedy gig in Dartford on the night of the election.

FUKP released a series of pledges in late 2014, which deliberately play on the policies of UKIP and the public image of Nigel Farage, including revaluing a pint of beer at £1.10, because it’s just “common sense.

Murray will run against the UKIP leader in the guise of his satirical alias, ‘the Pub Landlord,’ who is known for his right-wing patriotic views, often pictured pint in hand, not unlike Farage himself.

Murray has also pledged to reintroduce national service specifically for those who don’t want to do it, promised to send the unemployed to prison because “unemployment causes crime,” and issued a foreign policy which reads:“Germany has been too quiet for too long. Just saying.”

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