Chuck Norris says: 'Vote for Netanyahu to save US from evil forces'

Reuters / USO / Mike Theiler / HO

The 75-years old US actor, known for playing tough guys in the movies, said he watched Netanyahu’s speech to Congress and "saw a strong leader which is absolutely crucial for the safety of the Israeli people."

Norris said he has made several movies in Israel and "formed many friendships while there." In his YouTube video, he added that it was important to "keep a leader who has the courage and vision to stand up against the evil forces that are threatening not only Israel but the United States."

On the eve of the election on Monday, Netanyahu announced he won’t allow the creation of a Palestinian state as long as he remains Israel's PM, and vowed to strengthen settlement construction in East Jerusalem.

READ MORE: No Palestinian state if I remain PM – Israel’s Netanyahu on election eve

While Israel is electing its new government on Tuesday, polls previously predicted a closely-fought battle, with Netanyahu’s Likud party facing a serious challenge from Isaac Herzog's Zionist Union.

With Netanyahu staying true to his hard line, Norris also remained firm on his calls to "vote for Bibi." Taking to Facebook on Tuesday, the actor urged his "friends and fans living in Israel" to back Netanyahu. Posting more videos, Norris said "we have seen what six years of weak leadership has done to America," and called for Israelis not to be "fooled by all the propaganda."

Post by Chuck Norris.

"You see, we the American people need Prime Minister Netanyahu as much as you do. Weak leadership can destroy your country and then the evil forces can concentrate on America, too," Norris's speech, also published in his Youtube video description, said.

READ MORE: US Senate probes Obama funding for anti-Netanyahu campaign – report

Benjamin Netanyahu has previously publicly expressed his theories of a "huge, worldwide effort" to ensure he doesn’t get re-elected. "Western governments, and mostly Scandinavian" are accused of spending millions of dollars on trying to remove Netanyahu from power.

READ MORE: Netanyahu claims ‘worldwide’ effort to ensure he loses Israeli elections

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