Putin: France, Germany genuinely want to find compromise over E. Ukraine

Russian President Vladimir Putin (RIA Novosti/Aleksey Nikolskyi)

Speaking to Rossiya 1 TV channel on the conflict and the breakthrough of the Minsk agreement declared by Kiev, Moscow, Paris, and Berlin, Putin said that “it seemed to me [the leaders of France and Germany], have a genuine desire to find such compromise solutions that would lead to the final settlement [of the conflict]...”

He cited the Minsk protocol which includes the decentralization of power in Ukraine and a “reference explaining what it implies.” The authors of the reference are "our German and French partners,” he said, adding that this speaks of their sincerity in finding a compromise.

“I had the impression that our partners have more trust in us than distrust, and in any case believe in our sincerity,” Putin said on Monday.

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