Obama confessed everything CNN 2015 02 01 05 37 54

REPOST!!! 1. Obama acknowledged that the US staged a maidan, eliminated Yanukovych and brought to power by the Nazis Bandera, the oligarchs and their henchmen.
Quote: "... as well as the flight of Yanukovych after we act as an intermediary in the transfer of power in Ukraine ..."

2. Obama acknowledged that the United States was pleased with Medvedev as president of Russia and the then Liberal team.
Quote: "... If you think about what kind of relationship we have had with Russia, when I became president, then we talked about the reboot. Then I found, I believe, an effective working relationship with Mr Medvedev ...."

3. Obama said that the primary goal for the United States now - cause maximum damage to Russia in all spheres.
Quote: "... Those who invites us to do more, I would say, we can ensure that all Russia was carrying big losses, and that's what we do ..."

4. Obama has openly stated that direct armed war between the US and Russia, while he said that such a war is not profitable US, so they will keep her hands of NATO countries surrounding Russia.
Quote: "... I do not think that the real military conflict between the US and Russia would be a wise decision for America or around the world. We are engaged in strengthening the countries on the border with Russia, which are members of NATO. And I made it clear that this line can not be crossed, because we have to take military action to protect our allies - this says article 5 of the Charter of the alliance ... "

5. Obama said he was satisfied with the policies and actions Poroshenko and Yatsenyuk.
Quote: "... And it should be noted that the President Poroshenko and Prime Minister Yatsenyuk really began extensive reforms that eventually will have a positive impact on the country.

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