​‘Like a bomb had gone off!’ 3.8 magnitude quake hits UK, 2nd this week


The quake, which the British Geological Survey (BGS) confirmed took place at 22:25 GMT on Wednesday, follows a slightly smaller quake which struck parts of Hampshire on Tuesday, where vibrations of 2.9 were measured.

The epicenter of the quake was near the town of Oakham in Rutland, where locals reported vibrations lasting for nearly 10 seconds.

One resident told the BGS it “sounded like a really large bomb had just gone off” and reported a “buildup of rumbling and the house shook really violently.”

Another said the quake was “like a loud explosion.”

The BGS said they had over 1,400 reports from people who said they had felt the tremors from Oakham, with residents from as far afield as Dudley and Huddersfield also claiming to have experienced the quake.

One apparently overexcited resident of Grantham, Lincolnshire, likened the event to a scene from Jurassic Park.

I could see rings in my glass of wine! A bit like in Jurassic Park when the T-Rex chases the car!”

Others affected by the tremors took to Twitter to share their experiences.

While some claimed to have been seriously affected, others thought the whole experience was more than a little amusing, with some users calling for Red Cross relief parcels.

There have been no reports of injuries or fatalities.

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