Russia's Almaz-Antey to Tranfer S-400 Missile System to Defense Ministry


MOSCOW, October 9 (RIA Novosti) - Russia's defense concern Almaz-Antey will supply the country's Defense Ministry with the S-400 Triumf air defense missile system ahead of schedule on Friday, the press service of the concern stated on Thursday.

"The supply of a set of an air defense missile system S-400 will be held in a new format: the first deliveries to Russia's Armed Forces were carried out by various manufacturers in the form of separate elements that were later assembled directly in the Armed Forces. Now the army will receive fully assembled systems," the concern stated.

The press service specified that Triumf has undergone development of separate elements. "The complex, which will be handed over to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation on October 10 significantly differs from the first complexes produced in 2007."

The S-400 Triumf (SA-21 Growler) air defense system is expected to form the cornerstone of Russia's theater air and missile defenses by 2020.

Almaz-Antey Air Defense Concern was established in 2002, has its headquarters in Moscow and delivers final products to foreign customers through JSC Rosoboronexport, as well as operates as an independent entity engaged in military and technical cooperation. The main scope of the concern's activities is the production, modernization, repair and disposal of the air defense systems.

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