UNESCO Awards Grants Under “Green Chemistry” Project in Moscow


MOSCOW, September 22 (RIA Novosti) – Six scientists received grants for research in the field of environmental protection and health on Monday, set up by UNESCO, International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) and Russian Businesses, RIA Novosti reports.

The ceremony was held within the framework of the International Symposium on “Green Chemistry” in Moscow. Six young scientists from six different countries: Thibault Cantat of France, Gasser Mostafa of Egypt, Juan Carlos Rodriguez-Reyes of Peru, Anastasia Gubina of Ukraine, Ning Yan of China and Sharif Rafid Van Alwi of Mayasia were among those who received the awards.

President of the Russian Academy of Sciences Vladimir Fortov, Deputy Director of the International Organizations Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Grigory Ordzhonikidze, Director of Division of Basic and Engineering Sciences Maciej Nalecz, and IUPAC Finance Director John Corish attended the ceremony, according to RIA Novosti.

“The Project ‘Green Chemistry’ has become the example of combining the efforts of science and industry and it is aimed at a more harmonious and safe development of this important industry”, Vladimir Fortov said.

For the first time in history of UNESCO, this kind of initiative is implemented at the expense of Russian businesses, Maciej Nalecz said. “Today will become a new page in the history of chemistry, in the field of ecology and people’s health around the world”, Nalecz further added, as quoted by RIA Novosti.

The project “Green Chemistry for Life” was implemented in cooperation with UNESCO, IUPAC and Russian company “PhosArgo” in the spring of 2013. The aim of the project is to increase the potential use of technologies and principles of green chemistry to ensure sustainable development. The project seeks to provide financial support to young chemists from around the world who work to develop advanced technologies of modern chemistry to solve problems of environmental protection and people’s health. It is expected that within the next five years $ 1, 4 million will be given to promising young scientists, RIA Novosti said.

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