No One Exempting Russia From G8, Partners 'Skipped' Summit in Sochi - Lavrov


MOSCOW, September 1 (RIA Novosti) — Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said Monday no one exempted Russia from the Group of Eight, and that its members simply did not attend the group's summit in Sochi.

"No one has exempted us from anything, it’s just that our partners didn’t come to the summit. The G8 is not the type of structure that you can be run out of. There are no processional mechanisms for that. It’s just a club where people gather to discuss issues that reflect mutual interest," Lavrov said.

The minister said that the group’s participants "just skipped the event."

"I would not say that we felt a tremendous loss," he added.

G8 is an important club, the significance of which has been mostly defined by the prestige of being next to the US and European leaders lately, he said, adding that "the G8 agenda has lost its significance after the creation of G20."

Russia joined the Group of Seven leading industrial nations in 2008 and was supposed to host G8 summit in Sochi on June 4-5, 2014. Late March, during a nuclear security meeting in the Hague leaders of the seven world powers decided to suspend the G8 and refused to attend the Sochi summit because of Crimea’s reunification with Russia and Moscow’s stance toward the situation in Ukraine.

In June, Kremlin press secretary Dmitry Peskov said that Moscow was not considering a return to the G8, as "there is no such format at the moment." He noted, however, that Russia was open for cooperation, "if our partners send certain signals." He also said that despite the suspension of the G8, Russia would continue to participate in the work of the G20.

Relations between Russia and the West have been strained over the ongoing political crisis in Ukraine, where a regime change resembling a military coup took place late February. After the ouster of President Victor Yanukovych, citizens of Ukraine’s former republic of Crimea held a referendum where the majority of population voted for reunification with Russia.

In response to the move, a number of Western countries imposed sanctions on Russian officials and entities and refused to attend several international events held in Russia.

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