Russia to Renew Food Imports from Brazil – Agricultural Watchdog


MOSCOW, August 8 (RIA Novosti) - Russia has decided to renew food supplies from Brazilian companies, Rosselkhoznadzor, Russia’s agricultural watchdog, said Friday.

“The Russian market is interested in products like pork, beef, poultry, powdered milk, butter, cheese and fruit and vegetables. Considering the growing volumes of supplies, we can expect the development of logistics solutions and a certain decline in prices for the container transportation,” read the Rosselkhoznadzor statement, which was released after talks with representatives of the Brazilian Ministry of Agriculture.

Brazilian food supplies to Russia may begin as early as September.

In May, 2014, Rosselkhoznadzor Deputy Head Yevgeny Nepoklonov and Brazil’s Chief Veterinary Officer Guilherme Marques agreed on veterinary certificates for dairy products, paving the way for Brazilian milk exports to Russia. On August 7, almost 90 agricultural producers in Brazil were approved to export meat and dairy products to Russia.

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