Ukraine Concerned About Safety of RT Channel Cameraman


MOSCOW, May 5 (RIA Novosti) – A cameraman of the Russian RT news channel has received a call from the Ukrainian Security Service (SBU) warning him he may be in danger from a radical group, according to Margarita Simonyan, editor-in-chief of RT and International News Agency Rossiya Segodnya.

“Our cameraman-stringer in Odessa received a call from SBU. They said Right Sector have him in view now. Former colleagues tipped him. SBU said that Right Sector has all his phone numbers and addresses. He was betrayed for anti-Maidan views, which he never concealed,” Simonyan wrote on Twitter.

RT has been covering events in Ukraine since the unrest started last November. The channel not only prepares detailed reports and news stories play-by-play, but also regularly broadcasts live coverage as events unfold in the country.

Ukrainian authorities earlier banned an RT crew from entering the country to cover the anti-government protests in eastern regions.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov recently dismissed as unacceptable US Secretary of State John Kerry’s claim the RT is a “propaganda bullhorn.” RT Editor-in-Chief Margarita Simonyan also said the news channel would send an official request to the US State Department, backing Kiev’s interim authorities, to “point out the specific examples where RT distorted facts.”

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