Russian Report Highlights Rights Violations in Ukraine – Kremlin


MOSCOW, May 5 (RIA Novosti) – Russia has compiled a “White Book” listing some of the most atrocious attacks on human rights in Ukraine to raise awareness of the situation in this stricken country, the Kremlin said Monday.

“The report is aimed at drawing the attention of the world community and international legislators to registered human rights violations in Ukraine,” President Putin’s spokesman Dmitry Peskov said Monday in an interview with the Russian News Service.

The “White Book” was unveiled on the Kremlin’s official webpage. Peskov said there would be no further action on the report.

“It is founded on informational material from Russian, Ukrainian and other Western media, as well as from statements from the leaders of ‘the new authorities' in Ukraine and their supporters, from witnesses, as well as observances and interviews from the place of events collected by Russian NGOs," the Russian Foreign Ministry said.

The ministry noted that “factual information in the report shows the grossest violations of the fundamental international principles and norms in the area of human rights committed by the monopolizing protesters of Euro-Maidan and its radical nationalists, and sometimes with the direct promotion of the United States and the European Union, which confirms that these occurrences had a massive character."

On Monday, the Russian Presidential Human Rights Council also called on the United Nations and the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe to pressure Ukraine into providing foreign humanitarian missions access to the regions affected by violence in order to provide medical and psychological assistance to victims.

The OSCE has echoed Moscow’s concerns over the human rights situation in Ukraine, criticizing the country’s authorities for banning journalists from crossing the border and other widespread infringements on press freedom.

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