Russian Drug Police, Afghan Security Forces to Conduct Joint Operation


MOSCOW, May 14 (RIA Novosti) – Russia’s narcotics police and Afghanistan’s security forces plan to conduct a joint operation in the coming days, the head of the Russian Federal Drug Control Service said Wednesday.

“In a matter of days, another joint operation with the relevant authorities of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan will take place during the first stage of the strategic anti-drug operation Canal-Yuzhny Kapkan [Southern Trap],” Viktor Ivanov told the fifth session of the Central Asia Anti-Drug Quartet, which is aimed at fighting drug trafficking in the region.

Russia is ready to encourage the participation of the Collective Security Treaty Organization's newly established anti-drug operation center, which is working with the Federal Drug Control Service and involves all CSTO member states.

The Central Asia Anti-Drug Quartet includes Russia, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Tajikistan.

Drugs from Afghanistan – the world’s largest heroin producer – commonly travel along the so-called northern route through Central Asia to reach Russia’s estimated $6 billion heroin market. Some 30,000 Russians die from heroin use every year, according to official statistics.

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